St. Jude, Powerful Intercessor of the Impossible

St. Jude, Powerful Intercessor of the Impossible

I've had the privilege to attend a plethora of relic exhibits throughout  my adult years. None by far have been as astounding as the bone of the forearm of St. Jude Thaddeus. No denying, I may be a bit bias, as he has responded to the laborious call of being my patron saint. However, patron or not, I have yet to see a bone relic of that size until now. Granted the incorrupt heart of St. John Vianney was also fascinating I might say. Nonetheless, even the reliquary that proudly displays his bone is a magnificent piece of art.


The House of Bread Collective purchased a bulk supply of 100 St. Jude medals at the tour today and later had them touched to the glass of the first class relic to bless all of you who graciously patronize our family business. All orders placed now through Easter will receive a complimentary third class relic in the form of a medal of St. Jude the Apostle, while supplies last. May you have a fruitful Lent of almsgiving and glorious Easter ahead. 

Today will forever be a memorable one for me in the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle in St. Petersburg, Florida during the relic tour. 

Gratefully, that is not my only fond memory of the saint of the impossible and hope it won't be the last! Check out my story that was submitted to the Dominican Friars in their biannual newsletter at the Rosary Shrine of St. Jude in 2019.

Read on below: 


In 2008 we had a house fire during a birthday party for my then, ‘only child’. I was 23 at the time. I was nervous putting on such a big party. Her first year of school we no longer had small parties with just family, but now lots of school friends! 65 people RSVP confirmations! As Holy Spirit would have it, only 3 families showed up! Thankfully so, or else it would have been much more chaotic during the fire had more children and adults been present! Before the fire surged out of control I tried to put it out with water that was the closest nearby....OUR POOL. In the spur of the moment, adrenaline rushing, not realizing that I was fanning & fueling the flames by what I had just done. Our pool just received a chlorine treatment the day prior. I suffered a 3rd degree burn on my leg in the process. 

While everyone managed to make it out ok, my grandfather’s collection of glass elephants from all around the world exploded in the raging fire and we could hear every single one ping so loudly. The damage was horrific. 

A brand new PLASTIC potty chair was now, as thin as a pancake; melted to the floor. Right next to it, stood this 2 feet high PLASTIC statue of my patron, St. Jude the Apostle. Fully Intact! With light smoke damage at his feet that wiped right off! Not a single burn on him! Did I mention it was a PLASTIC statue?!?! 

We would soon learn that it was THE ONLY item in our guest pool bathroom to survive the fire that day. Every other trinket, decor, you name it, was consumed by the fire. 

I remember the fire department in disbelief at all the damage and how a PLASTIC icon could survive such a catastrophe! They called the fire chief out along with 3 other stations just to hold our statue and see for themselves. My mother and I thought they were coming out for the left over Cuban Sandwich tray from the party that was now a bust! They didn’t eat a single sandwich; rather stood in awe and amazement; each one taking turns to hold it and marvel at its stunning wonder. 


Some people have to see to believe. While others just know. There is no true faith without a little doubt. 

Did St. Jude save me from the fire? No. God’s mighty hand saved me from it. However, I firmly believe that St. Jude’s intercession was present that day. We all need a patron that can pray for us! And boy am I glad I have St. Jude as mine! Along with numerous others! 

I had to go through lots of therapy and burn treatment for the injury to my lower leg. At one point they thought a skin graft was needed. Once again his healing intercession prevailed and that was no longer necessary, as the healing process suddenly sped up and healthy new skin began to grow unassisted. I was self conscious wearing shorts in sunny Florida with the burn that was left behind. Looking back hindsight I should have displayed it more proudly in thanksgiving for St. Jude interceding! Today it is almost unnoticeable! 

Though more than 11 years has passed, it wasn’t until his Feast day this past October, that I made the connection. That like St. Jude, the fire didn’t rise above my feet! The scar on my leg that I was once embarrassed of, is now a stamped relic that will walk with me always. A candid reminder that God & my guardian angel are always with me and that St. Jude is always praying for me to live my purpose and be the best version of myself. I’m still working on it! I can do better. 

For my Protestant friends who can’t deny this great miracle indeed happened and can’t disprove it’s power; it’s a great teachable moment to educate them on what we ‘really’ believe as Catholics. Statues and relics are not meant to be worshipped, rather venerated for God’s greater glory by allowing Him to work in and through each of our lives! 

“We do not worship relics, we do not adore them, for fear that we should bow down to the creature rather than to the creator. But we venerate the relics of the martyrs in order the better to adore Him whose martyrs they are.” (Ad Riparium, i, P.L., XXII, 907)

In 2017, I evacuated for Hurricane Irma. Now with 5 children in tow, I was limited on space as to what we could bring in the car for our travel to safety. I didn’t care how much room I lacked! I was making space for St. Jude to take the long ride with us toward safety! And indeed we did! Made it to our destination safely and returned home to a fully intact house, thanks be to God....with the help of my friend St. Jude! 

Grateful & Dearest Friend of St. Jude, 


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