Ember Days

Ember Days

What are Ember Days?

Ember Days are days set aside for prayer and fasting during the liturgical year.

They correspond to the four seasons, and they focus our attention especially on the blessings of nature. On the Ember Days, we make penance & give thanks for blessings we’ve received. 

The Book of Zechariah describes in depth the necessary four times of year for fasting. What a fruitful way to reflect and be thankful! A lost art today for sure. 

A bonfire with s'mores is a sure way to put you in a state of gratitude. 


But first! What's for dinner?....

When you look at that calendar and see another meatless day has been added for the third time in one week, this can make dinner plans quite challenging. 

Keep it simple! Nothing better than good ole' fashion grilled cheese & tomato soup! Though flipping 12 sandwiches or more can get cumbersome if you have a lot of mouths to feed.

Here's a pro tip:

Pre-heat your oven at 400 degrees. Spray one side of your bread with oilve oil spray then layer cheese and top with another slice of bread. Slice butter atop just as you would in the skillet. Bake for 5 minutes then flip and bake for another 3 minutes. Once done broil on low for 30 seconds but no longer than 1 minute if you want to brown your grilled cheese a bit. 

No one will ever notice the difference between skillet or pan baked! 


Now onto the S'mores! Not having any sticks on hand can be a problem when you've promised Ember day fun! 

Using the same pan you used to make the grilled cheese (keep less dishes in mind!) line with aluminum foil and arrange your graham crackers likeso followed by chocolate and marshmallows to lay atop your fire or brick oven. Now there is no waiting in line and no one gets burned! We do recommend you watching close by as the chocolate will melt fast with this technique so be ready to serve quickly. Also avoid laying crackers and marshmallows to soon and toast the marshmallows on side of pan first before adding to the graham crackers and chocolate. This will make them more toasty to mesh with the chocolate. 

Now we will leave you with a beautiful ember day prayer to be said after your meal which can be found in the "Blessed be God" prayer book by CALLAN


Antiphon: Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all He hath done for thee.
V. Lord, Thou hast been our refuge.
R. From generation to generation.

Let us Pray: Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that as year by year we devoutly keep these holy observances, we may be pleasing to Thee both in body and soul. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

For God’s Blessings on Our Labors

O Lord, graciously look down upon Thy servants and upon the work of their hands, and do Thou, Who givest food to every creature, bless and preserve the fruits of the earth, that the needy may be filled with good things and that all may praise the glory of Thy bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Vocations to the Priesthood

Antiphon: Why stand ye all the day idle, go ye into my vineyard.
V. Ask the Lord of the harvest.
R. That He send laborers into His vineyard.

Let us Pray God, who willest not the death of the sinner, but rather that he be converted and live; grant, by the intercession of blessed Mary ever Virgin and of all saints, laborers for Thy Church, fellow laborers with Christ, to spend and consume themselves for souls. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

In Honor of Christ’s Betrayal and Passion

O God, Who for the world’s Redemption was pleased to be born, circumcised, rejected by the Jews, betrayed by the kiss of traitor Judas, bound with chains, led like an innocent lamb to sacrifice, and shamefully presented before Annas, Caiphas, Pilate, and Herod, accused by false witnesses, beaten with whips, buffeted, insulted, spat upon, crowned with thorns, smitten with a reed, blindfolded, stripped of Thy garments, fastened with nails to the cross and lifted up on high, reputed among thieves, made to drink gall and vinegar and wounded by a lance; oh, by these most sacred sufferings, which, unworthy as I am, I thus commemorate, and by Thy holy cross and death, deliver me, Lord, from the pains of hell, and deign to lead me where Thou didst lead the penitent thief, who was crucified by Thy side. Who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest, forever and ever. Amen.

5x Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father


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